Making of
I just like to post some screenshots and videos of "in dev" builds of the game jam game.
Making it was a lot of fun and I really appreciate all the help I got.
Working on the UI was a lot of fun, while trying to get controllers implemented was a hell. But oh well!
Anyway, first things first, right?
1. Getting the movement right
It was important to get the movement as close as possible to the game it's based on, and therefore I spent quite a bit on trying to figure out how it worked and implemented that.
In the end it turned out remarkably similar and I'm proud of that!
2. Tilemap and Sprites
After I nailed that I implemented the first tile map and some sprites, which didn't work out that well. But at least it produced a couple funny pictures.

And after a couple painful hours trying to figure out sizes and everything, I managed to get it to work!

3. Maps
They were all a lot of fun to make Some are based on mario kart maps, bonus points for figuring them out.
Desert ():
Dev test map:
4. UI
That was the most fun part for this game. I've taken some inspiration from smash games and decided to implement some of their gorgeous ui. And honestly? I'm really impressed that I was able to create that. I'm just in love with it!

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