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Completely forgot you made games


Nice little birb game

Nice and festive! It took a ton of tries but I finally sent him home! Fun and Physics-y! Great Entry!

what witchcraft must one do to get over 2000 lol! super fun game, and great character choice, also hi morgan if you see thissss

Interesting game : )


tried a few times the average is around 1000+, i think my high score is 1188. I need to practice more :) a funny physics based game. kind of those addictive 2000s games :) like it

Werent able to beat this score :) Nice game!



I'm once again asking for your financial support... earstagoadfn errr I was having a nightmare! OH look! seems like I have the highscore! great game reminded me of my childhood with flash games (specially that penguin one)! :3
(1 edit) (+1)

My first best result was 2742 score and 2242 meters, I tried again after that, so far this is the biggest one I've succeeded in~
(of course I bumped into at least 5 red arrows, so that's why I couldn't reach 4k =w=)

but otherwise pretty good the minigame and it funny, 10/10 ^w^


10/10, would birb again